Friday, December 27, 2013

Belated Happy Christmas!

So last year I printed some Xmas cards with my own 3D stuff on it.  Figured I'd do the same this year too!  I'm very pleased with how they've turned out, even if the composition and subject is a little staid.

I like:
  • The tree, it's fibers, first fiber tree!
  • The holly, it's fibers with micromesh, first time using that combination.
  • The ends of the presents, the polygons and UVs are like you would see if it were a real present, so the wrapping looks legit.
  • Cards on the mantelpiece, well, the violet one, it's last year's.  How meta.
  • Reuse of assets (Cinderella's redressed and I have some wings from a barely started project for the angel)
I dislike:
  • The wrapping paper is a bit dull, but I wanted to make sure I wasn't using anything copyrighted.
  • The tree lights are just done in post, more a limitation of how ZBrush deals with lighting a document.
  • How terribly insipid the whole thing is.  More salacious next year I think!
Right, back to the project that was stopped to make room for this one.  Hopefully that will mean there's less of a gap between the posts.