Monday, April 21, 2014

Space Gal Turntable.

Associated turntable for the Space Gal.

Space Gal Turntable from Tom Lewis on Vimeo.

Stylized Character Design Finished!

Crikey that was a lot of work hah.  Finally completed the Space Gal project I've been working on as part of the twelve week course I was on.

Cheated the angle of the dog for the sake of the 2D version, he's not looking anywhere near the ball, not that you can tell.  A lot of the posted 2D concepts had similar tricks so I figured I'd steal that for my final composite.  Turntable is "correct" angles though.

I like:

  • The heads - both have come out appealing.
  • Suit wrinkles - I don't do enough cloth, this was good practise.
  • The pose - took a while to find one with minimal tangencies.

I dislike:

  • The gal's eyebrows - they're more defined than that, might've lost something on posing.
  • Composite feels a bit jagged - should've done an anti aliased half size render.
  • ZBrush's transparencies - it works to a point but isn't proper caustics.

Frankly I'm delighted with the end product.  Okay, back to the 3D printing stuff I'm now literally weeks behind on!