Sunday, June 16, 2013

Thief Turntable.

Associated turntable of the thief.  Actually version three, after adding eyebrows and fixing the back straps after one, and then removing some post production noise in number two.  Good job this was a "simple" one!

Thief Turntable from Tom Lewis on Vimeo.

A Thief, With Goggles.

A "little" project from a sketch by an artist called Jake Parker, one y'all should check out *nods*.  Didn't paint it or put it into Photoshop as I was after something that looked like it might have been 3D printed.  Job done!  Also, always write an asset list, I'd finished the render *and* the turntable before realising I'd not done eyebrows, not that ya can really see them anyways!

I like:
  • That he does look like he's about to be 3D printed!
  • Torso armour, the straps looks strapped in with some tightness.
  • The base.
  • The hair, although...
I dislike:
  • The hair.  It does work, but could be better.
  • The bag, which to be fair looks like that in the illustration.
  • The head, it's functional, but the biggest departure from the source.
Speaking of the original, you can find it here.