Sunday, February 23, 2014

Plaits in ZBrush

So someone had a question in class yesterday about how to do plaits.  I typed something in the gotomeeting chat box about how an insert mesh can do it, but that's barely the start of the story!  Mulling it over on the way to Sainsbury's and back I figured I'd do a little how-to on plaits.  It's 10 steps, and took me under one hour to work out the theory in ZBrush and make the below in Photoshop.  Efficient use of time for making something historically rather complex.  Plus I'm logging it here as I'm not massively active in the ZBrush community but others in my class might be, and as this is such an elegant solution that I bet more people do characters with plaits so I wanted to time-stamp something here heh.

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